A presentation unlike any other



Magicians who Changed History!

A Unique Lecture and Presentation by Professional Magician Harry Maurer

"I sat riveted to Harry's presentation.  I had never considered the possibility deception has been such a key resource in the history of mankind.  Harry has thoroughly researched this subject; is very well prepared with a quality power point visual; and delivers a spell-bounding presentation that is entertaining and highly educational."

Harvey L. Fishero, LFACHE

Retired Hospital CEO

Plano, TX

Don't think you can learn History

from a Magician? ...(You'd be surprised!)

Don't think you can learn History

from a Magician?

...(You'd be surprised!)

Harry Maurer's unique insights as a professional magician allow him to explore the colorful lives of magicians from the past and discuss how they changed the course of history.

You'll be shocked to learn how magicians have averted wars, influenced world leaders, aided the CIA, the U.S. Secret Service and England's MI-5 with vital pre-war information -- and even used "priciples of magic" to win one of the most decisive battles of World War II!

Professional Magician Harry Maurer

“THE PERFECTION OF DECEPTION: Magicians Who Changed History” is a unique presentation about stage magicians who have changed the course of history in ways that you never would have expected!...

Did you know that HOUDINI was a SPY

for the U.S. Secret Service?

Did you know that HOUDINI was a SPY

for the U.S. Secret Service?

And who was in a better position to be a spy than Harry Houdini?

He was a world famous celebrity and every leader in Europe wanted to meet the famous American superstar!

Because of his unique profession as an “escape” artist, he was able to challenge their jails and locks in military installation and prisons granting him access to people and places no one else could get near!

Did you know that a magician illuminated his backyard with electricity 50 years before Thomas Edison invented the light bulb?

Did you know that a magician illuminated his backyard with electricity 50 years before Thomas Edison invented the light bulb?

Magicians have a variety of skills and disciplines that they use in their profession.

To be a magician, you need to study -- not just sleight of hand and deceptive techniques -- but you also need a good understanding of science, physics, mathematics, psychology, and human nature.

See how one magician, considered “The Father of Modern Magic”, not only understood science, but human nature as well and combined the two to stop a political uprising against France using nothing more than magic tricks!

Did you know that the CIA hired a magician to write manuals of deception for their operatives that are still being used today?

Did you know that the CIA hired a magician to write manuals of deception for their operatives that are still being used today?

Did you know that the CIA hired a magician to write manuals of deception for their operatives that are

still being used today?

By profession, magicians know how to do things secretively.

Through documents only “partially” released through the “Freedom of Information Act”, see how principles of magic were simplified and taught to operatives through two manuals of deception written by one of the most knowledgeable magicians alive!

Did you know that Winston Churchill credited a magician with changing the direction of World War II ?

Did you know that Winston Churchill credited a magician with changing the direction of World War II ?

And this wasn’t during a minor scrapple either!

This was in a pivotal battle for North Africa in a town called El Alamein – a battle in which Winston Churchill himself declared, “Before Alamein, we had no victories, after Alamein we had no defeats!

See step by step how one magician designed a battlefield deception that fooled Rommel, the Desert Fox himself, and changed the course of World War Two!

"World History made though the use of MAGIC!"

World History made

though the use of MAGIC!

Posters and Promotional Images Available Upon Request!


“I was not too sure I wanted to attend a lecture at Florida Atlantic University to see a magician.  I am more than pleased to say that I was entertained in more than a few ways.  The session was comical.  Loved it.  Just right.  Historical.  More than loved that.  It was interesting and factual.  The whole time was more than just entertaining.  I will say that the time just flew by.  I would travel to see this program again and again.”

Sal C. Riggi

West Palm Beach, FL

"As a retired professor of history and politics, I found your presentation very educational and fascinating. Learning how these magicians impacted such events as the battle of El Alamein during WWII or the escape of Americans from Tehran in 1979 adds a new and intriguing dimension to our understanding of world events."

Albert Kudsizadeh, Ph.D

Montreal, Quebec (Canada)

"Harry Maurer's talk about magicians and espionage was extremely entertaining and definitely informative.  I am old enough (barely) to remember the North African Campaign during WWII but I did not know anything about how a magician helped change the outcome of it!  And that was only one part of his talk.  The rest was equally interesting.  Don't miss it. You will be surprised at how much you will learn!" 

Aileen Drosendahl

Glenshaw, Pennsylvania

"The "Perfection of Deception," is the best demonstration of how magic has affected history. Learning about Houdini consulting with law enforcement around the world and being asked to spy for the United States and England surprised everyone...we were all taking notes!  Harry Maurer's seminar, filled with humor, photos and documents, was more than enlightening -- it was fascinating!" 

Bob Love

Houston, TX

"We thoroughly enjoyed your lecture on the Perfection of Deception.  It was fascinating to learn about how well known magicians are employed today by governments in many countries working with their intelligence agencies including the CIA, FBI and MI-5.  It was also a learning experience to find out that magicians, through the use of camouflage and other practices, actually affected the outcome of many battles against the Germans during WW2. We would highly recommend your lecture to anyone who has ever enjoyed magic and the art of deception.  This lecture is educational and exciting!" 

Steve and Michele Dresher


"I was surprised to learn how misdirection and illusion played such a large roll in the strategy of the Allies helping to save cities and creating tactical advantages. . .makes me wonder how the military uses these strategies even today "

Eric Hartog   

Cleveland, OH 

"Your lecture at FAU was one of the most enjoyable days I’ve had here in Florida.  I really enjoyed the comedy, magic and the history sessions. Come back soon!"

Sal Riggi

West Palm Beach, FL

"Harry is a gifted magician and his obvious interest in the how magic has affected historical events is very apparent in his presentation. I knew some things about how deception played a role in WWII but his elaboration about the role of  deception in the El Alamein battle in North Africa was quite fascinating. I recommend his lecture to all who have an interest in history and magic."

Bill Kelley


"Thank you so much for your amazing presentation Perfection of Deception: How Magicians Have Changed History. We had a terrific turnout. You are such a polished performer with your mesmerizing voice and great comic timing. Your passion for magic is palpable and your knowledge encyclopedic. Magic truly is a powerful force that can be used to change the course of history. My eyes were opened and so were others in the audience [who] were hanging on your every word. Students will write papers about this, and our LIFE regulars were soaking up all the knowledge"

Claire B. Gunnels

Assistant Library Director

Lone Star College-CyFair Library

Cypress, TX

"Harry Maurer's lecture presentation is both entertaining and informative. In one fast paced hour, Mr. Maurer's power point performance explains and illustrates how deception can be and has been used by world leaders to alter the course of military history. How can a highly strategic building be made to appear as an ordinary trash dump? How does a pick-pocket operate successfully? Let Harry tell you!"

David A. Maurer (no relation) 

Houston, TX

"I had the good fortune recently of attending a presentation by Harry Maurer about the "Perception of Deception". I found it quite fascinating. My son and daughter-in-law work or worked for the CIA and I have a strong interest in the subject. I also am a former history teacher. Combining these two fields into one very well done presentation was a treat for sure! I just wish more history buffs and current students would be able to hear this program. Well done, Mr. Maurer."

Jadi Johnson 

Houston, TX

"Harry's lecture on the use of magic to win WWII was extremely enlightening and entertaining. Harry's lecture is one of the best that I have seen, and I highly recommend it."

Dr. A. Bruce Clark, Ph.D. 

Houston, TX

"Our members were fascinated by magician Harry Maurer's presentation on the history of magic.  I was most impressed with how sleight of hand and camouflage was used to win an important battle in North Africa during WW2.  Also, the story behind how Houdini was a spy during the war and how he gathered information and passed it on his handler.  This lecture will appeal to all ages."

Vernon Jones,DDS

Houston, TX

“The stories he tells about how magic and sleight of hand helped win the war are fascinating.  He involves the audience with some magic tricks that are hard to believe.  A very entertaining and amusing program.”

Marjorie Johnson

Tequesta, FL

“Harry Maurer gave a most fascinating lecture of the history of magic.  We were mesmerized by it and during the lecture his magic just seemed to come out of mid air. We can't say enough good things about Harry Maurer!”

Frank Crittenden

Palm Beach Gardens, FL

"We were amazed and impressed with not only his magic but his wit. His Historic Magic lecture was fascinating. We had no idea magic played such an important role in history. The most surprising and interesting part of the presentation was the role of magic in World War II. A must see event! We're fans forever.”

Linda and Steve Norman

Utopia, Ontario (Canada)

“Harry Maurer's lecture on the contributions of magicians to History was a real eye opener.  I was particularly fascinated by learning, for the first time, how a magician had a major role in defeating Rommel in the desert in WW2.  Harry's research and delivery were outstanding. It was informative and enjoyable."

Robert Baechtold

Pocono Pines, PA

"When I first heard that our Country Club was presenting a lecture on how magicians affected our country and our life, I was skeptical that anyone would be interested in such an esoteric subject.  I was wrong!  About 200 members showed up and were treated to an informative lecture about a magician who stopped an uprising, how an English magician used magic camouflage to confuse the Nazis, and how a magician wrote a manual for the CIA on secret ways to deceive the enemy.    This was all unusual but fascinating info presented in a very entertaining way.  It was a very enjoyable and entertaining lecture." 

Warren J. Kaps

Boca Raton, FL

“We found your lecture fascinating. It was packed with historical information most of which we had no previous knowledge of! The section describing how activities on the ground in preparation for the North African battle were concealed from the Germans was particularly interesting as also were the details of methods of camouflaging everything from tanks & trucks to entire assembly facilities. Many thanks for delivering such a well constructed and informative lecture!”

Colin & Vivien Betts

London, England

"I thoroughly enjoyed your lecture. As a retired Naval Officer, I was particularly intrigued by the use of camouflage in North Africa, and the great influence of a magician in creating these deceptions of Rommel's forces, who were not exactly amateurs at warfare. It had never occurred to me that the deception was analogous to that used in presenting magic tricks to an audience."

Donald J. Dudziak Ph.D., P.E.

Editor for the Americas, Progress in Nuclear Energy review journal

Professor Emeritus, NC State University

Fellow, Los Alamos National

Tochapa, Mexico

"Seeing your lecture was very enlightening.  I was surprised to learn that magic and deception was used in past political situations and wars!  What else are our governments up to?!  (Things that make you go hmmm…) "

Jerry Cerny

Edmonton, Alberta (Canada)

"Harry, your lecture was fantastic! I had never appreciated the important role played by your predecessors in significant world events such as the Second World War… "

Bill Sheridan


"It was most enjoyable to have a lecture presented by an entertainer. Harry Maurer is articulate and the presentation was accented by comedy, and, of course, had the insight on a magician and illusionist. The subject was well researched with many historical photographs and images. Very well done and entertaining."

Robert Fox

Sunny Isles Beach, FL

"My wife and I saw Harry's presentation and lecture and found it to be fascinating. The deceptions during World War II were particularly informative and fascinating. We could have easily listened to another hour."

Tom Little

Lexington, KY

"A fascinating account from alchemy to the CIA.  The description of the use of deception in World War II African campaign was fantastic.  With the added comedy, it made for an exceptional hour!"

Jim Henderson

Palm City, FL

"Harry Maurer is a highly skilled magician with a very active sense of humor that makes for first class entertainment.  But, his well-researched presentation on the history of deception and the role it has played in affecting world events is truly inspirational.  I sat riveted to Harry's presentation.  I had never considered the possibility deception has been such a key resource in the history of mankind.  Harry has thoroughly researched this subject; is very well prepared with a quality power point visual; and delivers a spell-bounding presentation that is entertaining and highly educational."

Harvey L. Fishero, LFACHE

Retired Hospital CEO

Plano, TX

"I was amazed to learn how little I knew of the battle of El Alamein. I knew the British had used some deception, but no idea of how much and where. Harry gave an hour presentation that could have easily been an hour and a half, if not more. He left us wanting more. He no doubt has lots more. "

Ken Doherty 

Houston, TX

"Your presentation was wonderful and I could easily see an entire course being offered just on this topic (and being a huge hit with college students). Unique and captivating!  Harry Maurer enchanted, not with magic, nor with comedy, but with history.   With his charismatic voice, he carried his audience through the world of magic and how magicians have helped leaders and countries in times of war.  I was especially interested in the stories of WWII and how one particular magician helped to hide an entire city from destruction.  My college students were captivated by history!  Need I say more?"

Michelle DeWalt

InstructorTransitional Studies - Developmental English Lone Star College

Houston, TX

"Having spent a lifetime in magic I have read a lot of the history of magicians performing important services for various governments around the world that often changed history. Harry's lecture brought these wonderful stories back to life. Harry's great stage personality and his professional performance delivery made them real again."

When I think back about the total of what Harry delivered, I am amazed. There were so many details Harry's research produced that I had not known about. One favorite story Harry relates was how the English magician Jasper Maskelyne used camouflage and magician's methods of deception in North Africa to fool German Field Marshall Rommel, known as "The Desert Fox" in the Battle of El Alemein. It was a pivotal battle in World War II, and it was a magician who helped the Allied Forces win it by "out foxing" the Desert Fox.

So many of Harry's revelations brought surprise and laughter at the cleverness of the magician's methods. His lecture was a most entertaining and refreshing learning experience. I highly recommend it.

Walter Blaney

Kingwood, TX

"Harry Maurer’s presentation was delightful. Much of the information presented was historical in nature, which can be dry and boring, but nothing could be further from the truth in this case. Harry’s perspective on the events and use of humor kept our attention and entertained us throughout the entire speech. He was very informative and I would be interested in hearing much more from him."

Peggy Martin

Houston, TX

“Recently saw Harry Maurer and was impressed not only with his incredible acts of magic but with his presentation format incorporating how magic had an influence on historical events.  In addition, his quick one-liners interspersed throughout his presentation are worth the price of admission.”

Harry Winkler

West Palm Beach, FL

"The presentation was not only very entertaining but also educational; it was worth the 85 mile drive to attend."

Bernhard Ehlers



18062 FM 529, Suite 176, Cypress, TX 77433

(281) 345-9322


email: [email protected]